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Rotorua Mud - One Solution for Many Skin Conditions

Rotorua Mud - One Solution for Many Skin Conditions

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It bears the brunt of the ever-changing environment and also has to deal with the repercussions of toxins in the blood.  As a result, the skin is prone to a number of conditions and issues which if left untreated may mess up your face and bring down your self confidence.

Once a person starts having skin problems – usually from the teenage years --- they begin to look for products that could help them deal with their skin problems effectively and safely. However, the modern-day market is so crowded with gimmicky skincare products that it can sometimes be difficult to choose the right one. Individuals should not fall prey to misleading advertisements, and should only buy natural, certified and quality products after conducting a thorough research on their own.

 In this blog post, we will take an in-depth look at Rotorua Mud – therapeutic geothermal mud obtained from hot mud pools in Rotorua, New Zealand. Numerous studies have confirmed the benefits of Rotorua Mud for the skin.

Let’s take a look at the skin conditions that Rotorua Mud can help treat:

1) Dry Skin

Odds are that you or someone you know is suffering from dry skin. And we are quite sure that despite trying multiple moisturizers and cosmetic products, there hasn’t been much improvement. If you can relate with this ‘despair’, chances are you haven’t tried Rotorua Mud yet.

Rotorua Mud has a strong affinity for moisture and It easily absorbs excess oils and fatty secretions from within the skin’s pores, detoxifies, purifies, and promotes new cell formation.

2) Dull Skin

With rising levels of pollution, chronic stress and poor diet/lifestyle people are losing their natural glow and falling victim to dull skin. The skin also needs nutrition – vitamins and minerals – to keep itself healthy and glowing, but unfortunately that nutrition is lacking in today’s diet.

But don’t worry; Rotorua Mud can help you out in this regard. It is rich in rejuvenating minerals such as magnesium, iron, calcium, titanium, sulphur, sodium, potassium and phosphorus. Furthermore, the mud is rich in trace elements such as zinc, copper, manganese, cobalt and selenium. When your skin starts to receive these nutrients regularly, it seems to glow and brighten up in no time!

3) Dark Spots

Rotorua Mud is a one-stop solution for many skin problems, including Dark Spots. In case you didn’t know what causes dark spots, Ultraviolet (UV) light speeds up the production of melanin, a natural pigment that gives skin its color. On skin that has had years of sun exposure, age spots appear when melanin becomes clumped or is produced in high concentrations. Use of commercial tanning lamps and beds also can cause dark spots. Rotorua Mud has shown to be promising in the treatment of dark spots.

4) Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Fine lines and wrinkles are the trademark signs of aging, but now even young people are displaying these signs. In either case, fines lines and wrinkles bring down the confidence of the ‘victim’ and steps should be taken on time to restore longevity of the skin. Rotorua mud is rich in antioxidants that neutralize free radicals thereby preventing the harmful effects of chronic inflammation. The therapeutic mud boasts skin tightening properties and that’s why it should be used by anyone wishing to look youthful.

Many Problems, One Solution – Wildferns India Rotorua Mud range of Products

Wildferns India brings to you complete range of natural skincare products made from therapeutic Rotorua Mud straight from New Zealand. The thermal mud used in all our skincare products is firstly obtained from the hot mud pools in Rotorua. The mud is sterilised, then refined to remove any foreign matter such as volcanic ash residue, while ensuring all the mineral and trace elements are left to benefit this highly therapeutic mud. It has natural cleansing, rebalancing and antiseptic properties.

We offer innovative Rotorua Mud products that are not only natural but also very effective and safe. If you are suffering from any of the skin conditions mentioned above, check out our complete range of Rotorua Mud products and give your skin the love and care that it has always deserved but perhaps has not received.